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The Johnston Family Missionaries to Toronto, Canada

The Johnston Family Missionaries to Toronto, Canada

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"Where's the snow cones?"

“Where’s the snow cones?”

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Our special guests: The Regling Family

Our special guests: The Regling Family

Bro. Dale is enjoying a delicious snow cone.

Bro. Dale is enjoying a delicious snow cone.

Luke is anxious to play ball.

Luke is anxious to play ball.

DSCN6328 DSCN6326 DSCN6318 DSCN6317 DSCN6316 DSCN6315 Uncle George Hranicky from Laurel Maryland Uncle Dick DSCN6311 DSCN6310 DSCN6309 DSCN6307 DSCN6306 Robbie and Jonathan

We are glad you're here!!!

We are glad you’re here!!!

Rebekah, Julianna, Joanna, and Elizabeth are enjoying the chance to spend some time with each other.

Rebekah, Julianna, Joanna, and Elizabeth are enjoying the chance to spend some time with each other.

Let God be praised!

Let God be praised!

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KJV Bible

KJV Bible

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